Abyssinian Oil is chemically closest to the natural oils produced by our skin, which means it provides the ultimate natural hydration of any oil on the market. Its unique molecular structure is not found in any other naturally occurring substance oil and can be used as a facial moisturizer to protect skin barrier as well to revive dullness in hair and promote a healthy shine.
- contains high percentage of unsaturated C22 fatty acids, making it highly resistant to oxidation
- has a non-greasy feel ad is easily absorbed into skin
- oil glides onto hair surface to form a continuous lipid layer to provide light lubricity to help detangle hair and lock in essential moisture
- adds tremendous shine to hair without the use of silicones
Ingredients & Usage:
100% Abyssinian Oil (pure extraction, no fillers or silicones). May be used as a standalone oil or add a few drops to other skincare products you already use to give them a little extra nourishment.
2 oz