My journey to wellness started at the age of 5.
Stocking shelves and bagging items at my family's Chinese herbal clinic. I would watch curiously as people came to see my grandfather with various health ailments, always leaving with small packets of dried herbs and tea pills. I didn’t know it at the time, but my dedication to health and wellness began there.
I followed in my grandfathers' and fathers' footsteps, earning my Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. After my post-graduate studies in Beijing, I came to work for the family business and now, almost 20 years later - created Cheung's Wellness.
Traditional Chinese Medicine theory states that when qi is in perfect balance, we enjoy good health and wellness.
Cheung's Wellness has been inspired by that - an wellness clinic and boutique bringing Canadians the best products to help you and your family restore balance.
- Mable Cheung B.Sc., R.TCMP., R.Ac.

Traditional Chinese Medicine can help you feel the way you were always meant to feel—healthy, balanced, and alive from the inside out.
- Mable Cheung B.Sc., R.TCMP., R.Ac.

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